Appendix - Terminology & Abbreviations



LO - Light Offense
MO - Medium Offense
HO - Heavy Offense
FC/Cap/Capper - Flag Carrier/Capturer
SJLO/SJHO - Sensor Jammer Light Offense/Heavy Offense


LD - Light Defense
MD - Medium Defense
HD - Heavy Defense (usually playing in or around base)
LOF - Light on Flag
HOF - Heavy on Flag (heavy who sits on top of flag)
Farmer - Medium Defense that deploys turrets, sensors, etc.
TM - Short for "turret monkey", another term for a farmer (a Euro term?)


BB - Body Block. Flying into the path of a fast moving player to knock him off his path.
Cap - Flag Capture.
CO/SO - Cap Out / Shut Out - When one team demolishes another and gets the target amount of caps.
DJ - Disc Jump. Discing your feet for a boost of speed at the cost of health.
Invo/Inv - Inventory Station (Base Inventory Station or Deployable Inventory Station)
MA - Mid-Air Disc. Discing an airborne player.
MAMD - Mid-Air Mine Disc. Discing an airborne player close to an airborne mine.
MD - Mine Disc. Discing a mine on the ground, detonating it prematurely.
Rape - Destroying enemy generators and inventories leaving the base completely/mostly disabled.
Spam - Long-range destruction of assets via mortar usually from beyond line of sight (LOS).
TK - Team Kill. Killing another member of your team.
TL - Targetting Laser.


Left, Right, Back, Front
These are given relative from your flagstand to the enemy flagstand (as if you are standing on your flag looking towards the enemy flag.) This is really important to keep in mind when calling out cappers for your flag D, because they often have very little time to react and calling the wrong direction can be worse than not calling at all.